Our Services

Asbestos Removal

Mould Remediation

Soil Remediation

Gross Filth / Squaller Clean-Ups

Syringe / Sharps Pick-up

Biohazard Cleaning and Remediation + More

Asbestos Removal

If your domestic or commercial property was constructed prior to the 1990’s, there is a high probability that the material contains Asbestos. Despite the ban in 2003, approximately 2000 building materials which contains Asbestos have be found throughout Australia.

Asbestos is found in A/C sheeting, shower enclosures, walls and ceiling cladding and in other parts of old demolished or renovated buildings. When left untreated, inhaling the fibres can cause cancer. Removal or encapsulation of Asbestos requires careful planning and preparation.

  • Everyone other than the technicians to temporarily vacate the area

  • Application of chemicals to prepare the Asbestos Fibres for removal or encapsulation

  • Scraping, vacuum and bagging for safe disposal - in compliance with State and Federal Regulations, OH&S Asbestos Regulations 2017 Victoria

Read our guide to Asbestos removal: Why it's important and how to do it safely

Asbestos removal

Soil Remediation

Soil remediation for asbestos removal involves the safe and effective removal of asbestos-contaminated soil from a site. This process requires a thorough assessment of the contaminated area and the development of a comprehensive remediation plan that meets regulatory requirements.

It is common for asbestos to be found buried for both commercial and domestic developments as this was a common method for cheaply disposing asbestos waste and leaving the problem for the next owner.

Our soil remediation process includes excavation of the contaminated soil, transport to a licensed disposal facility, and backfilling with clean soil. We also conduct post-remediation testing to ensure that the site meets regulatory requirements and is safe for redevelopment.

If you have concerns about asbestos contamination in your soil, contact our team of experts to discuss soil remediation options. We have the expertise and experience to safely and effectively remove asbestos from soil, protecting the health of your community and the environment.

Mould Remediation

Mould remediation is a very small part of hazardous waste removal. Although negligible, safety precautions must be taken due to health concerns such as allergies.
Our technicians will,

  • Identify of the source for the mould.

  • Isolate the contaminated area and stop further contamination.

  • Use Hepa-vacs, dehumidifiers, Air scrubbers and fans to dry the affected areas.

  • Apply chemicals if the mould is severe.

  • Remove the infested drywall, insulation, or carpet entirely.

Read our complete guide to mould remediation: how to remove mould safely and effectively


COVID-19 Decontamination

Remediation work involves the cleaning and disinfecting of your home, business and public areas. If your home or business is affected by a COVID-19 outbreak, we will respond rapidly to safely and thoroughly disinfect your premises, furnishings and equipment, helping you protect and reassure family, staff and customers.


Unattended Deaths, Deceased Estate, Suicide, Self-Harm, Crime Scene & Trauma Clean Ups

We provide expert clean-up using forensic methods and guidelines with discretion, compassion and your health and safety in mind. The process involves assessment, bio-removal, preparation, bio-washing, and disposal of all materials and surfaces.

Our technicians are trained to clean-up homicides and crime scenes including motor vehicle accidents.

Unattended deaths

Biohazard Cleaning and Remediation

Our technicians are trained to properly dispose bio-hazardous material by using blood removal chemicals and antimicrobial disinfectants to ensure that the risks of blood-borne pathogens such as HIV and Hepatitis B are eliminated and clean, deodorise, and disinfect all surfaces. 

Biohazard cleaning

Gross Filth and Squaller Clean-Ups

It is commonplace for newly vacated spaces to be uninhabitable by leaving behind rotting food, human waste, drug paraphernalia and bad odours. These situations usually require rigorous and robust cleaning, disinfecting, deodorising and waste removal.

Our remediation experts have been specially trained to restore homes, apartments and commercial properties back to habitable spaces.

With Squaller Clean-Ups or a Compulsive Hoarder, we know it’s more than just a job and that someone’s mental health, privacy, and dignity is at stake.

Gross filth

Meth Lab Decontamination Services

Methamphetamine is illegally manufactured in hidden laboratories known as ‘clan labs or meth labs’. The production process involves the cooking of chemicals using improvised equipment. These chemicals used in the production of the drug are volatile, explosive and leaves excessive amount of toxic pollutants as waste that emits a pungent odour. The acidity burns to benches and drains, discolours the walls and flooring.
This waste seeps into furniture or porous items such as timber, clothes, food and carpets within a property. The residue clings to surfaces and permeates into walls and soft furnishings. Methamphetamine can be absorbed through the skin, ingested via mouth, nose and eyes. Side effects include itchy skin, breathing difficulty, sinus problems, headaches, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, paranoia or loss of concentration.
Our technicians will,

  • Decontaminate and sanitise the area and hard surfaces.

  • Remove and dispose of contaminants and chemical residue.

  • Test and retesting samples in independent laboratories.

  • Provide certification for re-habitation.

Sharps, Needle, and Drug Paraphernalia Pick-Ups

We employ technicians experienced in bio cleaning and on 24/7 alert for quick clean-ups of needles, syringes and bio-hazardous Paraphernalia. The clean-ups are performed in compliance with health and safety guides and regulations by using the best equipment technology has to offer
Our technicians will,

  • Remove needles, syringes, and other drug related material from the scene.

  • Safely dispose the contaminated and bio-hazardous material off-site.

  • Decontaminate by sanitising of the affected area.

Read our guide on sharps, needle, and drug paraphernalia pick-ups: how to ensure safe and proper cleanup

Environmental Remediation and Emergency & Disaster Response

Our workers are a critical part of environmental remediation effort. In other words, the collective planned clean-up of domestic, industrial and commercial waste by clearing pollutants and contaminants from affected areas spanning from a small house, industrial site or state/federal owned lands.
This involves working with heavy equipment to remove bulk contaminates resulting from either accidents resulting from natural or man made disasters such as chemical fires, cleaning up oil spills even nuclear meltdowns.

Disaster response

Odour Elimination Service

Offensive odours are caused by a mixture of chemicals released from proteins, bacteria and organic matter, and if left untreated has the potential to spread.

Unpleasant odours can have many causes from decomposing garbage to blood and other bodily fluids, infestations, sewage, Smoke and fires. Even when the source is removed the odour can remain for some time. Odours tend to seep into timber, flooring, walls, furniture and soft furnishings.

We use sterilising ozone technology to eliminate the odour causing bacteria rather than simply masking the smell which may return in a few days. Odour elimination from non-porus materials is easier compared to porus materials. Some porus materials are easier to clean such as soft furnishings, drapery, lounge suites. However, It it depends on the cause of the odours and the type of material that is affected by the contamination.

Read our guide on 5 effective ways to eliminate odours in your home or business

Odour elimination